Saturday, September 1, 2007

Woot!! Its The Weekend!! :)

Yay its the weekend... and a LONG one at that. Which is good, because i have A LOT to do. Besides the pile of homework, i have a pile of housework to do also. i let my room get a little carried away. and i have decided that i am only going to clean kadens room once a week. he just takes out all his toys the next day. Yesterday the daycare lady took off, which isnt so great because i dont have may people who can watch him everytime she wants to take off a day. Thank god gigi wasnt too busy, and willing to watch him. they had a good time i think. :) Im gonna have to let her know.... this is not acceptable. ;) Well, our pancakes our done. I'll prob post later, if something soo cool happened. (hopefully) :)


Nonna said...

Oh my how he's grown in just one week! Wow...he really does look different!

It's not unusual for a daycare person to take off a day here and there, and she did give you a lot of notice, right? Maybe just wait and see how she handles the next one - how soon it comes and how much notice she gives you.

Love and miss you!

PS - my house is still clean :)

Anonymous said...

You are going to have quite the adventure.

So glad you are doing well.

Love Steve and Mikey

Iguana Banana said...

Ahh, now you are really on your own if you have to clean your own house. It's not fun, but worth the effort and the result is because of something you did because you wanted to, not because someone made you do it. It actually feels pretty good.
OK, here's an old lady/mom tip: try to do one thing per day then you won't have to waste a perfectly gorgeous day inside. IE: On Monday - wipe down the bathroom, on Tues - do a couple of loads of laundry, on Wed - dust and vaccuum.... you get the idea. It's a lot less overwhelming that way, esp with school and a baby. Make a chart. That helps, too.
I don't know about you, but I'd rather hang out with the kids and friends on the weekend than do house work...

kelseyandkaden said...

thats a good idea ahna, my apartment is so small though that it only took me a half our. i'll have to post some pictures!