Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Crazy Week

I havent been able to post lately because its been crazy busy. I had a test this week, and got lots of homework to do tonight, but i thought i would post quick because starting sunday i wont be able, rather allowed to post. My mass media class teacher is having us do this assignment where we are not allowed to use electronics of any kind for a week. There are excepttions like for work, and stuff like that, but otherwise none. so, i think it will be kind of interesting. we also have to keep a journal, and stuff like that. we'll see if its going to be easy. kadens doing good. i taught him how to hug today, hes a quick learner. its so cute. its starting to get cold up here too. long sleeves, and pants baby. so i had to go buy kaden some because he doesnt have much. Gigi bought him this super cute outfit. but anyway... this nasty thing happend on monday. i was talking to some football player about our chem homework and he asks me for this bottle i was done using and since i wasnt using it i gave it to him. well i thought he was going to fill it up with water, but no... instead he filled it up with chewing tabacco spit. it was sooooooooooooo nasty. and he was cute.. but he isnt so cute anymore. yuck. well, thats all for now.

1 comment:

Nonna said...

OMG Kelsey - at the end of that video it sounded like he was actually saying real words!!! That was sooo cute. Thank you for posting...I really love it. I'm so excited to see him on the weekend. I wonder if he'll remember me????

I'll bring some warm clothes with me for don't spend too much money. Didn't you have some warm clothes from Paula that were about his size now?